VancouFur 2016 Variey Show

♫ Do you want to build a show, man?
♪ Come on let’s go out on stage!
Show them talent FURthermore
Come out your door,
♪ and blow them all away! ♫

Welcome to the Vancoufur Atlantis Variety Show 2016!

This year we’re really kicking it up a notch by reformatting the Variety show into a Spectacular Vaudeville Variety hour production!

“What does that mean for the applicants?”
Each applicant can still perform their skill, talent, song, music and esoteric art form like they always have.

“Wait… Then how’s that so different from last year?”
This year we’re putting together a production to fit in between each performer. There will be Jokes, Comedy, Skits, Prizes and even more audience participation! It’ll be the most entertaining furry show you’ve seen all year!
So come all you talented folk and be a part of this amazing event!

Please submit the following below:

  • A description of what you will be performing.
  • A small bio about yourself.
  • What equipment you will be bringing/ using/ needing.
  • Any needs for props or small stage pieces, we might be able to accomadate.
  • Using music in your performance?

Performers must submit their application before 11:59pm, Feb 29th.

We would like to print up programmes for the audience prior to the convention.

Submission Form