Acceptable Use Policy

Acceptable Use Policy For BCAEA Events – Last update Jan 2020 (Under review)

By signing this document, the undersigned agrees to the following principles for the event or be subject to penalties as detailed in this document.

  1. Exercise good judgment in respecting the rights of others to experience the event as they see fit (other’s violating this document notwithstanding).
  2. Recognize that the badge issued to them by the registration team is property of the BCAEA and to carry it on their person at all times until closing of the event. 
  3. Be able to produce the badge issued to them when requested by any member of staff. If badge is lost, it must be reported to the registration or operations teams immediately following the discovery of no longer being in possession of it. Failure to do so may result in denial of attendance to convention-related activities. 
  4. Respect requests made of them by staff regarding behavior in public spaces and halt activities deemed to be inappropriate or disruptive. Repeat offenders may be required to leave the event. 
  5. While on hotel property, respect and obey the rules of the hotel. If expelled from the hotel for any reason, event membership will be forfeit. 
  6. In the event of damages to the event facility or property caused by a result of the signees’ actions or inactions, the BCAEA is empowered to seek damages by the attendee to repair or replace the damages caused. 
  7. Media is not permitted at BCAEA events without signed approval from the Board of Directors, by signing this document the signee is agreeing to not act on behalf of any media organization. If found to be distributing or licensing photography for a media organization the BCAEA is empowered to seek damages up to $10,000.00 CAD. 
  8. Not be in possession of or fail to report any of the following forms of weapons
    1. Blade weapons that have not been peace bonded such that the blade cannot be exposed 
    2. Water guns of any kind 
    3. Silly string or other such kinds of chemical toy for the potential to cause lasting damage to the facility 
    4. Firearms of any kind
  9. Be over the age of 16, or under the age of 16 with parental permission 
  10. Not have been convicted of:
    1. Violent crimes
    2. Sexual assault
    3. Crimes of a sexual nature involving minors
  11. Threats against the convention, its staff, volunteers, and attendees will not be tolerated.
  12. Adhere to the apparel guidelines available on the VancouFur website
  13. Adhere to the zero-tolerance of harassment policy on the BCAEA website. 
  14.  All Physical Event attendees must comply with all Covid-19 safety protocols as required by the BC Ministry of Health and Vancoufur at the time of the event. Attendees that do not comply with these guidelines will be removed from the event. By registering you agree to comply with and follow all safety guidelines in effect at the time of the event.

If found to be in violation of any of the above, attendance to the event may be jeopardized as well as events hosted by the BCAEA in the future.

If requested, a staff member may request the surrendering of the event badge until such time that a review of the request can be performed by the board of directors or convention chair. The board of directors will convene and determine if further actions are required.

In case of conflict, the Board of Directors and/or chair of the Event can supersede this document.