Variety Show

Have a Talent you’d like to show off?

Vancoufur 2024 will be presenting a great showcase of talent at this year’s Variety Show! Show off your best talents, whether it’s music, a funny skit you prepared, a comedy routine, singing, or whatever crowd pleaser you can think of, as long as it’s PG, it’s more than welcome! All sorts of creative talents are shown off every year so don’t be afraid to perform just for fun!

To apply to the variety show, submit the following information with the form below:

  • A description of what you will be performing.
  • A small bio about yourself.
  • What equipment you will be bringing/using/needing.
  • Lighting cues or requests
  • Any needs for props or small stage pieces, we might be able to accommodate.
  • Using music in your performance? Please submit it with your application.
  • Please submit your application before 11:59pm Pacific Feb 28, otherwise you may be subject to a waiting list.
  • Applicants must submit their music before 11:59pm Pacific Feb 29, 2024
  • ALL participants MUST check in to the Variety show Rehearsal to verify their participation and guarantee their spot in the event.
  • Last minute additions are welcome, but there may not be time at the event so be sure to submit early!
  • Anyone signing up at con must provide their music/sound on a USB stick at the Variety Show rehearsal. No streaming is available.

Have a question about the Variety Show? Email [email protected], subject “Variety Show”