Reporting an Incident

If there is an incident at VF that you wish to report or require action from staff please do the following.


There is much more that can be done about an incident at con, than after the fact. It is essential however, that an attendee with an issue bring it to OPERATIONS immediately when the incident occurs. Do not wait. The longer you wait, often the less we can do. Also it is required that people directly involved in the incident be present to report it.

Operations and Rangers are the part of the staff that deal with security issues, and liaison with hotel security. Other staff members may not have the training or authority to deal with an issue. So it is absolutely imperative that you report your incident to Ops and Rangers.

Operations location is To Be Determined and this page will be updated once we know where ops will be.

When Reporting an incident

Ops and Rangers needs as much information as possible regarding an incident. Information required includes:

  • Who: Who was involved? Names and Badge Numbers if possible. Names are required at the very least.
  • When: When did it occur?
  • Where: Where specifically did the incident happen?
  • What: What does the incident entail? What specifically occurred, with as many facts as possible.
  • Outcome: What do you want the staff at the con to do regarding the incident? Is it simply information that it happened? Do you need help/protection? Do you want us to assist with police or legal action? Please let us know what outcome you are looking for.

Before/after CON

Our ability to deal with incidents before or after con is limited compared with our ability to deal with them at con. This is why it is most important that people report them as soon as they occur at con.

The con staff is not omnipresent. We do not know everything about everyone. If there is a person of concern that you need to bring to our attention please do so via email and include relevant, verifiable details such as police reports, legal documentation, or other corroborating information that supports your complaint.

We do not generally act on social media callouts as they do not contain the information required by the board to act on a complaint. If you have a genuine concern, you MUST submit an email with supporting proof and documentation to the board of Directors. General volunteers cannot handle bans or speak about bans, that includes our social media team.

All complaints and actions are handled with strict confidentiality. Thus social media can’t talk about it, so do not expect answers from our socials regarding removals or bans.

If you have a complaint, concern or issue with an attendee, please submit it to [email protected] or [email protected]

If you have a peace bond or restraining order that needs to be enforced, please email [email protected].