Volunteering – Events

This department is in charge of all the shows & programming that happens at the convention. This includes scheduling, fursuit related events, major events like talent show & dance competition, theatre and AV tech, as well as making sure that all the areas run smoothly at con.

Departments under this area include:

  • Main Events Team
  • Programming Team
  • Programming Tracks
  • Theatre/Audio & Visual Team
  • DJ & Dances Team
  • Fursuit Team
  • Congame Team
  • Game Room Team
  • VRchat Team
  • Minecraft Team
  • Streaming Team

Main Events

This team manages the major ‘shows’ at the convention, including the Dance Competition, Variety show, Cutie Pageant, etc. This includes arranging for hosts, making sure that signups are collected, arranging times with programming for rehearsals, etc. At con they help make sure that everything is ready on time, wrangling participants and last minute entries.

Programming Team

This team is responsible for all other programming, such as panels, socials, and any event that is not considered a ‘main’ event. They oversee the Programming Track team members, collect panel submissions and help put together the schedule under the guidance of the chair. They communicate with panelists to confirm submissions & manage changes and cancelations. They are responsible for making sure panelists and event runners have what they need in terms of equipment and setup at their particular programmed event from before (arranging for any special equipment, or services), and at con making sure that panels are running on time and have everything they need at the time they need it. Programming assistants help the Lead and Second to be on top of every panelists needs at con. The programming team also logs attendance at panels to determine popularity for future scheduling needs.

Programming Tracks

“Tracks” are specific areas of programming, specifically relating to a subject topic for panels. There are several ‘tracks’ including Art, Writing, Fursuit, Gaming, Technology, MLP, Theme, and Youth. Programming Track leads are responsible for reaching out in their chosen area to find people who can run panels for their particular topic. They are usually also expected to run 1-2 panels in their area, though this requirement can be waived.

Theatre/AV team

This group is responsible for designing, rental, setting up, and running the theatre main & Secondary stages lighting, and sound. They handle all the operation during the IRL event, handle audio, visual and live streaming from the Main Theatre and secondary theatre. We are always looking for A/V technicians but also theatre people who are eager to learn and willing to do jobs such as helping performers go on and off stage.

DJ & Dances Team

This team is responsible collecting DJ submissions, selecting the DJ lineup and determining the schedule. At con they are usually also helping the theatre/av team with the DJ shows as required.

Fursuit Team

This team handles all things fursuit for the most part. They are responsible for staffing the Fursuit Lounge, arranging the Parade route and wrangling, arranging Fursuit games, assisting with Fursuit Programming, Fursuit tags, coordinating photographers for the Photography Booth, and assisting with Dance Competition or Cutie Pageant as required. This is perfect for volunteers who are extremely passionate about the fursuiting experience who want to help out.

Congame Team

This department works closely with the theme team to come up with a game that our congoers can play and experience through the event to immerse them in the lore and possibly win prizes. This requires both pre-con work to build the game and at con work to administer it.

Game Room Team

This group oversees the programming and arrangement of our two gaming rooms, the tabletop games room, and the Video games room. This usually involves liasoning with our regular contractor for the game room to come up with tournaments and events, as well as arranging for tabletop gaming. This team is also responsible to help man these rooms if necessary during the con.

VRchat Team

This group is responsible for growing and developing our VRchat worlds which were a big hit for our first virtual convention and we want to continue beside our IRL convention if we can! This group consists of programmers, 3D modelers, scripters and testers. They also handle questions and troubleshooting our VRchat presence.

Minecraft Team

This group is responsible for the administration, moderation, and growth of our minecraft server.

Streaming Team

This team is responsible for handling the streaming of panels and other content that is not mainstage content handled by AV.